Top 100 Random Reddit Shower Thoughts

  1. If Disney can’t be sued by customers who have used Disney+ they have no financial incentive to keep their park rides safe.

  2. There are probably a small percentage of identical twins who received their names a short time after birth, were mistakenly switched when they got home, and no one realized.

  3. Anything that contains mushrooms isn't technically "plant based."

  4. Because of AI video generation. Throughout the entire thousands of years of human history, "video proof" is only gonna be a thing for around a hundred years.

  5. The average woman sees more blood in her lifetime than the average man.

  6. If, as a teenager, you suddenly woke up with all the aches and pains of someone middle-aged, you might think you were dying.

  7. No matter how big a number is, it is always closer to zero than infinity.

  8. If you could stop time, you would not be able to see anything because light would stop moving.

  9. It's nice that water has such a low viscosity. It would be annoying if it was thick like syrup or honey.

  10. There are probably a ton of people completely willing to murder people, but don't because they don't think they can do it without getting caught.

  11. It’s likely that some small percentage of people who died during an emergency operation died because the surgeon just wasn’t really feeling it that day.

  12. Since it happened 23 years ago, about 30% of the US population is too young to never forget September 11th.

  13. In real life, I'd be hopeless on a battlefield, considering how video games have conditioned me to expect enemy AI to be terrible at aiming.

  14. After school dances the teachers definitely go somewhere private to laugh at all the awkward, uncomfortable, weird shit they just witnessed.

  15. Gravestones are backwards. They are positioned so you have to stand on the dead to read them. They should be at the foot of the grave.

  16. X-Men has a very optimistic idea of human mutations. Someone has claws, or can run fast... or has eyes that act as a portal to another dimension of chaotic energy.

  17. “Not tested on animal” products are probably only possible because of earlier research done on animals.

  18. The capital-driven Monopoly board game starts with a socially equal Universal Basic Income.

  19. I bet there are people who drive a Tesla every day who have no idea who Nicola Tesla was, or why it's ironic that they're named after him.

  20. If humanity instantly evaporated, bots would keep social media alive until all the power went out. Thus would be our legacy.

  21. Most superheroes couldn't eat fast enough to maintain their caloric needs.

  22. No matter how accurate a period drama is, it will always be ruined by a perfect Hollywood smile.

  23. The USA is a spinoff of England.

  24. If we ever defeat global warming, the denialists will never be proven wrong.

  25. Email addresses with unadulterated first and last names (no punctuation or numbers) will probably dwindle and die out with millennials.

  26. Calling a black hole a hole is quite literally the exact opposite of what it actually is.

  27. Kids these days probably all use 2000-01-01 as their birthday while on the Internet.

  28. Dogs can just flop down on hard concrete for any length of nap. And then instantly rally, totally ready to party, the moment they wake up. It’s amazing.

  29. There have to be people out there who bought bitcoin when they were worthless as a joke, and they've completely forgotten they bought or how to access them.

  30. People would probably have much better dental hygiene if toothpaste had addictive substances in it.

  31. If there's one thing worse than your SO saying "we need to talk," it's your SO sitting beside your bed and waking you from a sound sleep in the middle of the night to tell you "we need to talk."

  32. Due to inflation, the ‘If I Had a Million Dollars’ song has not aged well.

  33. Every time you kill a spider, you are playing a small part in reinforcing the process of natural selection, and thereby making future generations of spiders harder to kill.

  34. House hunting shows are becoming increasingly unbearable as houses become more difficult to acquire.

  35. We should just start to eat endangered species instead of pigs and cows because then we'll immediately start breeding them by the billions.

  36. If you start counting out loud as fast as you can, there will be a point where the number you are on will be the number of seconds it’s taken to get to that number. Getting to 1k in under 16.67 minutes seems easy, 10k under 2.78 hours seems a lot harder and 100k under 1.16 days seems impossible.

  37. The best behaved child is often not the parents favourite.

  38. Children today grow up with a digital presence from birth. It must be more challenging to hide the fact that a child was adopted since it would be suspicious not to have any photos before, during or right after birth.

  39. With rising temperatures, human society might shift to being more nocturnal.

  40. In Harry Potter, deaf/mute wizards would struggle/be unable to cast spoken spells, or use sign language to cast.

  41. For all the technological progress "we'" made, if an average contemporary human being were being sent back in time a few centuries ago, s.he probably wouldn't be able to make science progress.

  42. It would be really problematic if all bodies either didn’t decompose or couldn’t be burned.

  43. If a cat's purr doubled our body's natural regeneration rate, we wouldn't even notice since our natural regeneration rate is so slow to begin with.

  44. Toilet paper manufacturers claim their products are two, three, or four times the size of a regular roll of toilet paper, but the size of the toilet paper holder has never changed.

  45. Talking with your mouth full is harder depending on the language you’re speaking.

  46. We’ll never know what it smells like underwater.

  47. Working in a casino is probably the one of the best deterrents from gambling.

  48. As the years go by, owning a car with a manual transmission lowers the chance of it being stolen, since fewer new-generation thieves know how to drive it.

  49. Most musicians will produce less than a day worth of music throughout their entire career.

  50. Raygun is the most famous breakdancer of our time.

  51. Flopping must make soccer medics' jobs much more work than they need to be.

  52. Maybe we should start fighting for a lower maximum wage.

  53. It's bold of us to always assume the elevator won't crush our fingers.

  54. By eating lots of fiber you are actually saving money on toilet paper.

  55. There's a whole generation of people who have only ever experienced simulated television static.

  56. We are not far away from a machine-learning enabled vibrator that learns personal preferences.

  57. It’s conceivable that people with slower metabolism would have an easier time surviving in the wild.

  58. Peeing in a urinal feels normal, but peeing in a stall with the door open doesn’t feel right.

  59. When you're poor no one wants to give you a credit card or loan but when you're rich you are pre-approved for credit cards you don't want.

  60. If the US drinking age was 18 like most of the countries, we would've missed so many classic teen comedy movies.

  61. Trying to conserve tin foil is a good way to waste tin foil.

  62. Cold coffee and warm beer have the same temperature.

  63. Since smartphones, hundreds of millions of people must be waking up to the exact same alarm sound.

  64. Crunchy foods soften as they become stale, while soft foods become crunchy as they stale.

  65. Companies brag about their food having 50% less sodium, but you don’t hear much about it having 50% less chlorine.

  66. There's no reason "The Breakfast Club" can't be in the same world as the MCU.

  67. You can measure your lifespan accurately, but it comes with a price.

  68. Given the density of gold, saying "Worth its weight in gold" would be less valuable than "Worth its volume in gold".

  69. Cleaning is highly respected when you do it for yourself, but often looked down upon when you do it for other people.

  70. Being friends with someone who is a defense attorney must be exhausting.

  71. Magic is defined a something supernatural or something that defies the laws of physics, so a bug in a video game, or something that defies the games defined laws of physics, is "game magic".

  72. Every time you pick something up, you are overpowering the planet.

  73. If being photogenic is a heritable trait, social media and dating apps are affecting evolution.

  74. Autocorrect is less helpful for people who type in multiple languages.

  75. Goofy probably does the Goofy Holler when he climaxes.

  76. Since all these AI can't think, this robot uprising could be considered a (philosophical) zombie apocalypse.

  77. Bart Simpson's prank calls wouldn't work today because if you wanted to call someone at a bar, you'd just call their cell phone.

  78. We give toddlers cuddly versions of Earth's most dangerous creatures.

  79. If you keep wearing the same style of clothes all the time, you become quite a trendy person every twenty-ish years.

  80. "Release the Kraken" became a household phrase despite the movie it came from having little cultural impact otherwise.

  81. If orange juice can have pulp, some pulp, and no pulp. How much pulp do I get when I eat an orange?

  82. People with 6 fingers will have a hard time on dating apps, as soon as it becomes the norm to use Al generated pictures.

  83. If AI ever becomes an existential threat to humans, it’s most likely because of bugs in the code that weaken the guardrails rather than AI becoming sentient and going rogue.

  84. Jim Jones used Flavor Aid, but the people at Kool-Aid just let society fuck up their good name for over 40 years now.

  85. At some point in time, there was a dinosaur going about its business on a random tuesday on July 13th at 4:52pm.

  86. Since we have so many different kinds of swimming stroke in the Olympics, we should have different types of running in track. Like skipping and running backwards and 3 legged race.

  87. There could be a binary star system planet in perpetual light with intelligent life that has never seen space beyond their own atmosphere.

  88. There's probably an animal alive somewhere that's as old as you and was born on the exact same date as you.

  89. E-bikes are probably the common technology that would mess with time travelers from the recent past the most. Seeing a fat guy effortlessly pedal up a steep hill would blow their minds.

  90. It seems that cereal companies no longer think their products should be eaten alongside 2 slices of buttered toast.

  91. The easier it became to make ice, the faster the polar ice caps started to melt.

  92. Like levelling up in a video game, life throws more challenges at each new generation. But each generation also starts with more loot.

  93. If all music is vibration then a vibrator should be a musical instrument.

  94. People with really bad anxiety issues probably have the shortest average fingernail length.

  95. You've taken many more breathes in your life than the amount of times you've blinked.

  96. The magic school bus could be in my blood stream right now and I wouldn’t even know it.

  97. Men’s suits are defined by the number of breasts they have.

  98. The best time to correct someone for mispronouncing your name is the first time; the next best time is never.

  99. About three months after one's annual birthday, people could also celebrate their conception day but no one ever does.

  100. Shaping bottles of honey like bears is pretty insulting to bees. You know, the animals that actually made the honey

Random Reddit Shower Thoughts

What Is A Shower Thought?

The human brain is a decidedly odd machine, often prone to glitches, malfunctions, and internal errors. However, within the confines of that chaos, something intriguing occasionally occurs. A seemingly mundane detail about the world will suddenly become more interesting, having been viewed from a slightly different perspective than usual. This sort of miniature epiphany is called a shower thought. "Shower thought" is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, shower thoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing or interesting within the mundane. In simplest terms, a shower thought is a miniature epiphany that makes the mundane more interesting. It's an idea that offers people a new way of considering details that they might have otherwise overlooked. Shower thoughts can be funny, poignant, thought-provoking, or even just silly. The term "shower thought" comes from the fact that many of these musings occur to people while they're doing mindless, everyday activities like showering.

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