Top 100 Random Reddit Shower Thoughts

  1. Stainless steel is a desirable material that elevates products to be more premium. Except toilets.

  2. Kids today will never face building up the nerve to call a girl only to have her parent answer.

  3. Why don't we trust pasta? Why must we have a window on the box that proves there's pasta inside?

  4. If immortality was real, procrastination would become the most destructive force in existence.

  5. Sisyphus would theoretically erode the tip of the mountain until it is flat enough to place the boulder on.

  6. It’s a good thing that underwear was introduced when it was. Not many people would wear them if they were introduced today.

  7. Your bite force is stronger when you're upside down.

  8. Willy Wonka had atrocious business acumen. Despite making the unequivocally best chocolate in the world, he still had competitors. Then he revealed his trade secrets to 10 strangers. Four of whom (kids) he knew wouldn't win his factory and five of whom (guardians) were never in contention.

  9. Latin survived the Roman Empire and was an international language for another 1000+ years. English will likely be with us for at least that long, too.

  10. When watching a movie sitting between the laptop and the Wi-Fi router, the movie literally goes through me just to get converted into a format that can enter into me again through my eyes & ears.

  11. Coca-Cola puts "Original Taste" on their products, but no one can verify it.

  12. Having only one testicle would give you the rare ability of knowing exactly which nut your offspring came from.

  13. Netflix could include ratings from Rotten Tomatoes to save us all a web search.

  14. If DNA collection was mandatory at birth, there would be a significant increase in solved crimes.

  15. If future robot maids/cooks reach the point where they can double as sexbots, self-cleaning features will be an important selling point.

  16. On average, paying insurance is not worth it.

  17. If someone gets arrested for practicing law without a license, and they choose to represent themselves, and they win the case, they should be given a license to practice law.

  18. Zombies would smell horrible.

  19. With modern car lights so bright, now would be the perfect time to bring back the trend of black-out lights.

  20. An electromagnet and a metal plate could create dynamically adjustable resistance for gym equipment, eliminating the need for any kind of weights, because of the Lenz's Law.

  21. Ouija boards can only be used to communicate with spirits who are literate in a language that uses the Roman alphabet.

  22. Many patients would never even make it to the $1,000,000 dollar a year surgeon without the $40,000 a year EMS.

  23. Since most phishing emails use deliberate typos to deter savvy people, those with dyslexia are at a particularly unfair disadvantage.

  24. Without persistent motion there is no scale to measure time.

  25. Someone, at some point in history, stretched a tanned animal hide over a wood bowl, hit it with sticks, and thought it sounded good.

  26. There was a weird period of years where people had a home phone line, and a cell phone without location services. Answering a home phone risked exposing their exact location to strangers, but using a cell phone meant they could lie to their closest friends--and get away with it.

  27. Cold milk is a human invention. All milk in nature is warm from body heat.

  28. The modern gaming convention of a full squad consisting of 4 players probably comes from split-screen gaming.

  29. The law isn't about what you can or cannot do. Just about the consequences tied to those choices.

  30. In the near future, being able to pay attention, be bored, and memorize information are going to seem like superpowers.

  31. The zombie movies "28 Days Later", "28 Weeks Later", and "28 Years Later" will be released in alphabetical order.

  32. Humans probably hold the record for longest poops.

  33. Minigolf has more in common with pool than with golf.

  34. If you were able to put an immediate stop to all momentum your body is experiencing, you'd likely cease to exist.

  35. If you are told exactly when you will die, this would give you more information about how you will die than vice versa.

  36. People often go cheek to cheek with each other but very few people will ever have gone asshole to asshole.

  37. Our atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and as you're reading this, a few tons of bird poop.

  38. Bicycles as a mode of transportation are typically powered nearly exclusively by assisted one-legged squats.

  39. In old 4:3 tv shows, people stood unnaturally close to each other.

  40. How is it possible that those plastic "stirring straws" still exist in this day and age when we are trying so hard to phase out drinking straws? The plastic "straw part" serves no function and we already have perfect wooden stirrers!

  41. If Pheidippides knew proper exercise cooldown techniques, we might not have Marathons today.

  42. Pac-Man and his wife have really unsatisfying hugs because their bodies can only make contact at a single small point at a time.

  43. If sleep were optional, the world would probably be a mix of more productivity and burnout.

  44. With all these Meta fact-checking memes, Mark Zuckerberg could say something utterly insane, and we wouldn’t realize it for a long time.

  45. Will archeologists from the future be able to discern years of trash history by the layer of confetti in the NYC landfills?

  46. Given enough evolutionary time, humans, who can synthesize vitamin D from the sun, might eventually develop the ability to photosynthesize.

  47. Asking someone around you for help on a crossword answer isn’t considered cheating, but looking up the answer is.

  48. Assuming you drive no faster than the speed limit, there will always be a set minimum time to get to your destination. On the other hand, the maximum amount of time could be infinite.

  49. Someone cheating on a test with a brain-chip is probably way closer than we think it is.

  50. In a roundabout way, MacBeth was a C-section fatality.

  51. Turning on a light in a room at dusk can make the room feel darker than it did before.

  52. AI-powered algorithms curate everything we see on social media, so in a way, AI already has a subtle grip on how we think.

  53. The easiest job ever would be an aspiring actor that got a role playing an aspiring actor.

  54. For most of history, spiders could only build their webs on rocks or plants.

  55. The most famous people today might not be the most remembered people in the far future. It could be a random person whose remains were discovered by future archeologists.

  56. Our bodies basically consist of skeletons wrapped in zombies and possessed by ghosts.

  57. It is healthier to be in an elevator with a lot of flatulence than a lot of sneezing.

  58. There is no reason fish should be afraid of heights.

  59. Kidnapping, adoption, and natural parenting are all the same to infants.

  60. Digorno is also delivery now thanks to Uber.

  61. Wouldn’t DeleteMe have to actually provide your information to data brokers so they’d know who to delete?

  62. If fish evolved first 530 million years ago. And mammals 200 million years ago. It means the genetical differences between some fish species can be bigger than the genetic difference between some fish and some mammalsIf fish evolved first 530 million years ago. And mammals 200 million years ago.

  63. Many people lose their minds over microplastics in their food, but are perfectly fine inhaling tiny tire crumbs floating around the air.

  64. GMO will transition into a positive buzzword detail on packages eventually, like how "Extreme" denotes greater than normal.

  65. Characters in movies or TV shows live in a universe where the actor playing that character does not exist.

  66. In any city, if you could see a heatmap of foot traffic activity, somewhere a room will be pitch dark: the least-visited room. When was it last entered, and what's in that room?

  67. Birds and ants have blueprints and construction codes for their homes in formats we do not fully comprehend yet.

  68. Thanks to vanishing pay phones and triangulating cell towers, modern detectives can expect fewer taunting phone calls from snarky serial killers.

  69. “Everything” bagels don’t quite live up to the hype.

  70. The story that Marilyn Manson had his ribs removed for autofellatio is a rare example of modern mythology.

  71. Marsupials are the only animals that can be pickpocketed.

  72. Superheroes should be flying feet-first to protect their heads.

  73. Where are the AI powered robotic firemen? They wold be useful the high risk stuff we're seeing in LA.

  74. The past is unpredictable. Each time we recall a memory, it is altered, and with multiple recalls, we may end up with a completely different version, creating an uncertain past

  75. The vast majority of pro athletes will play against the team they rooted for before they went pro.

  76. Slinky toys work exactly the opposite way regular springs do despite having a similar shape.

  77. Considering he introduced fireworks, smoking specific herbs, certain types of foods, and raucous Dwarven parties to the Hobbits; as well as turning up to the Shire to celebrate for centuries the hobbits must see Gandalf as some kind of deity of hedonism.

  78. It's almost impossible to determine the names of people's mom and dad from their contact lists alone.

  79. When you teach something to a room full of people, they all walk out full of new knowledge but carrying no additional weight or mass from that new information.

  80. There is no clearer demonstration of competence than a dog carrying its own leash.

  81. A sign of a strong (platonic) relationship is when you can lovingly insult each other.

  82. Silence feels loud because we're used to noise.

  83. Slowly becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable is a big step towards growth.

  84. The semester ends when the teachers go crazy, and the vacation ends when the parents go crazy.

  85. There is more natural area for things to live in the water than on land. Creatures that live in bodies of water have access to things all around them in all directions, up, down, sideways, etc. while on land you can only go side to side or down unless you have wings or a mountain to climb.

  86. The ceiling is the only thing in the house that gets touched the least but looked at the most.

  87. You can increase the popularity of your first name by breaking up with a singer.

  88. School related ads should be focused on showing happy parents instead of happy kids. Since no kid is happy at school anyway, they might as well try to try to show some happy dads and moms.

  89. Magical people in a magical culture may also have "Ma-Fi", Magical-Fiction.

  90. If you felt like your day went by fast, someone else in the world likely felt like their day went by slow, but time went by at the same rate regardless.

  91. Werewolf infestation can be stopped by everyone getting silver tattoes.

  92. Once AI reaches a certain threshold of development, it can longer be considered humanity developing.

  93. The Dunning-Kruger Effect suggests that Yogi Bear's claim to be smarter than 50% of his species is false, and a lot his actions are evidence to support this theory.

  94. Many Star Wars fans think Empire Strikes back is the best and fittingly it's also the furthest away from the prequels and sequels which many fans dislike.

  95. The create-your-own-adventure books allow a person to freely navigate a multiverse.

  96. Almost nothing is still infinitely away from nothing.

  97. Proper communication skills are a very fuzzy area between ghosting and harassment.

  98. Given all the information lost to time, especially the mundane things, what did music sound like, or stories, or jokes? Did they have a large variety of genres?

  99. Since its founding, Coppertone has gone from being a company that manufactures products that do one particular thing (maximizing the effects of the sun's rays on human skin) to making products that do the exact opposite (minimizing the effects of the sun's rays on human skin).

  100. We see backs of stunt doubles more than the backs of actual actors in some movies.

Random Reddit Shower Thoughts

What Is A Shower Thought?

The human brain is a decidedly odd machine, often prone to glitches, malfunctions, and internal errors. However, within the confines of that chaos, something intriguing occasionally occurs. A seemingly mundane detail about the world will suddenly become more interesting, having been viewed from a slightly different perspective than usual. This sort of miniature epiphany is called a shower thought. "Shower thought" is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, shower thoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing or interesting within the mundane. In simplest terms, a shower thought is a miniature epiphany that makes the mundane more interesting. It's an idea that offers people a new way of considering details that they might have otherwise overlooked. Shower thoughts can be funny, poignant, thought-provoking, or even just silly. The term "shower thought" comes from the fact that many of these musings occur to people while they're doing mindless, everyday activities like showering.

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